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  • Writer's pictureWesley Gross

Against All Odds

First, let me wish all of you a Merry Christmas! Today is a day of celebration for the birth of our savior Jesus Christ. He is the real reason we gather together today, but I guess you already have an idea of that since you're here. Being with family and friends, gift giving, and eating great food are all legitimate reasons to be excited for this time of year. Let's just not forget the why behind it all.

The birth of Jesus is more than just an incredible story. Yes, there are individuals in this event who display incredible faith. Joseph, Mary, and the wisemen all show incredible trust and reliance on God. They took hold of incredible faith to ensure the birth of Jesus. It required people, common people, to do extraordinary things including packing up everything and defying a king.

The birth of our savior set forth a chain of events that would lead to Jesus dying on the cross for our sins, so we could live a life free from oppression. Throughout the Bible, there are 300 different prophecies concerning the life of Jesus that are fulfilled. The odds of just 8 being completed are 1x10 the 17th power. That's a 1 with 17 zeros behind it, similar odds to filling out a perfect NCAA Tournament bracket. Believe me, no matter how smart you think are on college basketball, predicting a perfect bracket is impossible. Now imagine this, Jesus' life fullfilled over 300 prophecies! Those odds are a lot larger than a perfect bracket.

The birth of Jesus set in motion our freedom. It gave us the path to be saved from sin. This path was made possible by God, but to usher in the savior God used ordinary people. Joseph was a carpenter; Mary was a virgin. Let this be an encouragement boost to you. As we celebrate Christmas and prepare for the new year, don't feel left out. You are not alone. God is with you at all times. The Bible says specifically that he does not favor one person over another. What he does for one person he will do for another. He has plans to use you, just like he used Mary and Joseph. He has plans to protect you, just as he protected Mary, Joseph, and Jesus from King Herod's wrath. He has plans to guide you in the right direction, just as he guided the wisemen away from evil.

Don't let loneliness sink in this year and spoil your mood. Celebrate because today marks the beginning of Jesus' journey of conquering death, hell, and the grave. It lends a reminder to us all of the tremendous impact he has on our lives today. It also reminds us that the most common a person has value in God's eyes. This Christmas, remember the reason for the season. "11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord." (Luke 2:11 NIV)

To read the full story of Jesus' birth, check out Luke 2:1-20.

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